Test Development

Our capable team of test developers has years of experience creating tests. Let our team of psychometricians save you time and money by stream lining your tests and surveys. Through psychometrics our team will be able to reduce total test length and time required to take to the test and surveys. Further we will be able to strengthen your tests and surveys by enabling you to use only the best the questions for and leave out the ones that are unnecessary. This will not only help you be able to achieve your goals with confidence but will save your company time.

Creating a test is easy. Creating a good test that will yield the results that you are looking for is not. In reality anyone can build a test, what sets us apart is our knowledge and expertise in both test development and legal issues. Before we even start development on a test we sit down with you and discuss what the goal of the test is going to be. After this done we conduct a analysis of the content to be examined. Following this we start writing items for the exam, typically more items are written than are needed in order to allow for the most flexibility. The items then go through a review process by us and yourself to make sure the items are acceptable. Then depending on the test is being used for we pilot the items in order to pick out the best items for the live exam. The test form is created using these items, along with a standardized scoring metric and score reports designed to be meaningful for you. After the live test we compare the pilot to the live and make adjustments to the test form, thereby creating a finished product for your company.